Let me start off by saying I hope everyone out there is having an amazing holiday season, and to those that celebrate Christmas, I hope it is filled with the utmost joy. It's such an amazing time of year and a really amazing chance to spend time with those that we love. It can be happy and it can also be very sad. I've struggled with the sadness in years past, but I've finally found the joy in Christmas again.
After moving out of my house, I've not been in much contact with my parents including my sister for a few years. It's been hard, celebrating the holidays without them. Every Christmas since has been emotional, and it didn't seem to be getting any easier, either. Until today, that is. I was sitting with my husband and grandma as we were making her homemade fudge and I realized how lucky I really am. Parents or not, I have so much love and support in my life. It's not about the money, or how much you have in terms of nice or material things. In the end, those things don't mean a thing. It's the love you surround yourself with that matters.
I've made a valiant effort-and so has my husband, to make sure we are surrounded by only those who provide us with positivity and love. We've removed those people from our lives that were only there to bring us down, or try to hinder our ability to succeed. Life is way too short to have hate or anger towards someone or something. Especially during this time of year, why should we focus on anything negative? Even if you've found yourself to be alone, or simply unhappy this season you should try hard to really think about things. Think about having a roof over your head, the friends you have, your spouse and or your children. You're reading this post, you're alive. Being alive is something to be happy for. You have SO much life ahead of you and so many accomplishments. If you try hard enough, you can find something to be happy for this holiday season. I promise.
If you feel lonely, I feel the most important thing to do is discover the love for yourself deep inside of you, before you try to find that love from someone else. Love is such a rare, yet important thing to find. Within love there is respect and trust, honesty and so many other things. If you don't love yourself, it's so hard to share love with another person. Maybe your spouse or your child allows you to love yourself & if that's the case, hold onto that with all of your might. When I feel down I tell myself that someone out there has it worse than I do. If I had it that bad, would I have a computer to type on, or a cell phone to use? Would I have a dog and a roof over my head? Would I have a husband that loves me unconditionally? Maybe, but if my life was that horrible, probably not.
I've noticed how the holidays really bring out the best in some but the worst in others. Think about the people you see when you're out shopping. Some seem so happy, and some seem so miserable. I swear, I've run into some of the meanest people in existence at the mall around Christmas. I always ask myself, Why? Even my family members anymore, do nothing but bicker and moan over who gets what and make sure no one gets more than they do. Our world has become so focused on $$$$ and not love and happiness. Don't get me wrong, I was a materialistic brat growing up. Then, I grew up and I realized it wasn't about that. My husband and I may have nice things, but we earn them and our love means way more than our flat screen TV. Money and love/happiness have gotten so mixed up and intertwined in this day and age. Maybe money does make some people happy but I really do believe that happiness is only on the surface. Money may make things a little smoother, but it doesn't hold a relationship or a family together. In many instances, it tears them apart...
My main goal for 2014, is going to be trying to find the good in the bad and try to stay positive no matter what. I want to provide myself with never ending happiness, and be able to spread that amongst those around me. I'm all about paying it forward, but paying it forward doesn't have to mean buying something. You can pay it forward with a smile or a simple, "hi!" in passing. Smiles from strangers have saved my days before, so I want to spread that joy. I don't want to complain as much about things, and I don't want to let myself get down and sad about so many things. I want to develop a new appreciation for life, which I've already started to thanks to my husband. Love does crazy things, amazing things, some of the best things that will ever happen to you. When you find happiness & love within yourself or someone else, like I said, whatever you do... don't let it go.
Make 2014 the best year for YOU. Once you love yourself, everything else will fall into place. Just because you may have a bad past, or may have come from nothing, please remember that doesn't mean you're capable of nothing. We are all capable of absolutely anything, no matter what. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. STAY HAPPY :)
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