Things You Need:
10 x 10 Canvas (We got ours BOGO 50% off at Michael's, they're around $7 regular price)
Red Acrylic Paint
Modge Podge
Baby Wipes
Lots of Patience :)
This was pretty cheap & easy to make, aside from the handprint at the end, but it would be way easier and way quicker with an older munchkin.

I took the canvas, and painted an L in the upper left hand corner, and an E in the lower right hand corner. The hand print and footprints will make the O and the V. I used my hairdryer on the cool setting, to dry the paint quickly so that Brooks wouldn't end up with more paint on him than we needed.
We did the footprints to make up the V, first. I think if I were to do this again, I probably would've gotten the handprint out of the way first, and it might've been a little bit easier. Brooks was passed out in the Tula on my back for this, and somehow the foot tickling with the paint didn't wake him up...
Brooks was awake by this point, so I figured I'd put him in the highchair and it might be a little easier to get the handprint. I was wrong, it was incredibly difficult. He wanted to clench his fist to squeeze/feel the paint on his hand, so it was a real pain to get him to open it up for me. By the time I finally got his hand open, it needed more paint because it had smeared around and dried on parts. Fun times. :)
Here's the finished project! As you can see, the handprint is a little bit smeared. Oh well, it still looks cute. Plus, what kid's project is "perfect?" I'll end up glazing it over with a coat of Modge Podge to seal it, and voila! Here's a nice wall hanging that I can bring out to help decorate for every Valentine's Day :)
P.S. The acrylic paint wipes right off with baby wipes, so keep a pack handy so you're able to wipe the paint off before it ends up everywhere!
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