Sunday, June 29, 2014

Up-Cycled Windex Touch-Up Bottle!

     As I was doing my usual Sunday cleaning and laundry routine (which I'm barely able to do after our full-day trip to Cedar Point yesterday-I'm exhausted), I realized my Windex Touch-Up that I keep in the kitchen was empty. I grabbed a new one and was looking at the empty bottle on the counter, because the bottles and concept is really neat. I knew I would find a way to re-use it eventually. Sure enough, two seconds later I thought-What about nail polish remover?! I got very excited. After going online, I see that others have already done this, so I do lose out on creativity points to some extent, but I still wanted to share with everyone! 

Original Bottle-Full of Windex Solution
Used my new one to show you! 
     All I did was unscrew the top of the Windex Touch-Up, and rinse the bottle out with water. I filled the bottle up with water about half way, screwed the pump-top back on, and pumped the water through it to clean it out completely and make sure I didn't leave any residue behind. 

     After rinsing, I removed the plastic wrap from the outside of it, so that all was there was the clear bottle. I plan on thinking up a way to decorate or cover the outside of the bottle, but I haven't gotten that far yet. :) 
     To finish up, I emptied what was left of my bottle of nail polish remover, and just dumped it into the empty Windex bottle. Works perfect, and is much less of a mess considering all you do is press a cotton ball down onto the top and there you have your remover! It's like having the bottle they use at the nail salon-for free!!!

     If anyone has suggestions for any labeling or decoration, let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear them! :) 
Finished Product!


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