Monday, August 26, 2013

The Oh-So Coveted Home Organization Binder

     I feel like I'm the only person blogging today that's not posting about the VMA's last night, and Miley Cyrus' overall disgusting performance. I'm happy to say that she's not the focus of this post...

     I'm going to give you a peek into my binder, that I recently put together, and absolutely love. It took hours of sifting through Pinterest, figuring out what I liked (and didn't like) and combining it all into one massive "organized mess." :)

     I started off with a simple 2in. binder, that I grabbed from Office Max. You can get binders anywhere, really for around $4-6. Target, the drugstore and even the grocery store has something for you, I promise!! I personally found the office supply type stores to have the largest variety of color if you want to be picky (which I am). I also made sure that I got one with a sleeve on the front cover so that I could spruce it up a bit with some pictures.
Front-Side of the binder! In the big green box, I also
have our address and cell phone numbers,
just in case they were needed by someone ICE.
 (sorry it's a little blurry!)

     Inside, I have some really nice, durable and extremely helpful Document sleeves, that I got at Office Max, for a mere $5.49. They are each accented by a different color, and have corner-locks on each one, that helps keep paperwork in place. You can find those here. They come in 6-packs, and I found that was a good number to divide most of my things into. 
They're sectioned as follows: 
1) School Paperwork - This section is pretty self-explanatory. 
2) Vehicles - I have copies of our car insurance policies, titles, etc., in this section. 
3) Important Personal Documents - I have copies of things like our Health Insurance Cards, and various paperwork such as a copy of our marriage license in here. I don't keep anything with super personal info such as our SS Cards or Birth Certificates, as I do and would suggest you keep those in a lock-box or some sort of fire-proof safe. 
4) Bills, Bills, Bills - Pretty self-explanatory, yet again. 
5) Jewelry - I have all of our wedding and engagement ring paper work in here, still in their little plastic holders, as well as payment and other information to go along with them. 
6) Work - Mostly pay stubs, 401K info, and any important paperwork given out at work that needs to be kept, I keep in here. Working in a Pharmacy, there's constantly things I get sent home with that I need to keep for reference. 

Here's a picture of one of the sections that I have, that also gives you a better look at how awesome these document sleeves are. I LOVE them !!

     In the very front, ahead of the sleeves, I have some dividers. They're just the simple plastic dividers that you buy from the store that come in various colors. Back here, I keep any extra papers I may need, that might not fit so well into the document sleeves. It's always nice to have a little extra room. Within these sections, I have a "Misc." tab. In here, is where I keep things like important phone numbers, health insurance/medical/emergency information, and even numbers for the take-out restaurants that are close to our house. It proves helpful for the late night study sessions, and especially for those nights when I just don't want to cook. I also have a tab for recipes that I have a template for and just write the recipe in, hole-punch and add to the section. I'll post again sometime this week, and show you all of the miscellaneous papers I keep within those tabs. I'll also put up some links so that you're able to print them off for yourself.

     I know there's a lot of other home organization binders and templates out there on the internet... Some are better than others, and I know mine isn't the best. What I like about mine though, is the simplicity of it. There's not 9 million loose papers, and the separation that is given by the document sleeves is awesome. Remember-I'm running a 2, not a 5 person household. Don't hesitate to adjust as you see fit or simply take a few tips from me, here and there.

Hope you enjoy :)

xoxo Taylor 

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